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28 February 2016

Lambda in the files API

In this blog, I would like to show you how Lambdas changed the way we write our code in the File API. First I will demonstrate how you can walk down a path, find and filter files, depending on their name, access time, modified time, etc…
Second I’ll show you some examples of how to read from a file, and perform some action on the lines, or characters you read. In the examples that follow, we’ll use the following directory structure :
– file1.txt
– file2.txt
– file3.txt
– file4.txt
– file5.txt
– file6.txt
/u2/dir3 (containing no files)


The list method returns a list of files in the path, and is not recursive.
The signature of the method is :

Stream list (Path dir) throws IOException

Path path = Paths.get("/u02");
Files.list(path).map(p -> p.getFileName()).forEach(a -> System.out.println(a));

Results in following output :

You can see 3 steps are used here :

  • The list returns a stream of Path objects.
  • The map method, takes a Function, meaning give me something and all give something back, in this case, Path goes in and the filename of the path comes out
  • Foreach method takes a Consumer, meaning, give me something and I’ll do something with it, in this case filename is given, and is printed out.


Files class contains 2 method’s to walk down a path :

static Stream walk (Path path, FileVisitOption… options)
static Stream walk (Path path, int maxDepth, FileVisitOption… options)

where FileVisitOption can only have value FOLLOW_LINKS, meaning that symbolic links are also followed when walking down a path.
Here’s an example that illustrate this method:

Path path = Paths.get("/u02");
Files.walk(path,2).map(p -> p.getFileName()+" with uri  "+p.toUri()).forEach(System.out::println);

Results in the following output :
>u02 with uri file:///u02/
>dir1 with uri file:///u02/dir1/
>file1.txt with uri file:///u02/dir1/file1.txt
>file2.txt with uri file:///u02/dir1/file2.txt
>file3.txt with uri file:///u02/dir1/file3.txt
>dir2 with uri file:///u02/dir2/
>file4.txt with uri file:///u02/dir2/file4.txt
>file5.txt with uri file:///u02/dir2/file5.txt
>file6.txt with uri file:///u02/dir2/file6.txt
>dir3 with uri file:///u02/dir3/

Again 3 steps are used here :

  • The walk method returns a stream of Path objects. The ‘2’ indicates we go two levels deep.
  • The map method, takes a Function, meaning “give me something and all give something back”, where in this case, Path is the input and the filename of the path + “ with uri “ + uri of the path comes out
  • Foreach method takes a Consumer, meaning, “give me something and I’ll do something with it”, in this case filename is given, and is printed out.


The signature of find looks as follows :

Stream find (Path start, int maxDepth, BiPredicate matcher, FileVisitOption… options) throws IOException

The find method enables us to find a file, starting from a path, going x-levels deep. A BiPredicate interface will determine which files are returned and which not. The BiPredicate’s abstract method has the following signature :
boolean test(T t, U u)
If the file complies with the test, it will be returned, otherwise not. So let’s look at an example:

Path start = new File("/u02").toPath();
BiPredicate topicDirectoriesMatcher = (path, basicFileAttributes) -> basicFileAttributes.isRegularFile() && path.toString().contains("1");
Stream pathStream = Files.find(start, 2, topicDirectoriesMatcher);

results in :
The key here is the BiPredicate object ‘topicDirectoriesMatcher’. Path and basicFileAttributes are the parameters of the Test method, and the implementation is :
basicFileAttributes.isRegularFile() && path.toString().contains(“1”);
Meaning : only return me the regular files, not the directories, and the path should contain the character ‘1’. If we would replace .isRegularFile() by isDirectory() we would only get the result :


The lines method returns the lines of a file as a Stream.
Following signatures are possible :

static Stream lines (Path path)
static Stream lines (Path path, Charset cs)

Let’s suppose that the file /u2/dir2/file4.txt contains the following lines:
>This is the first line.
>This is the second line.
>This is the third line.
>This is the last line.

The following will filter the lines that have ‘last’ in it:

Path pathFile = new File("/u02/dir2/file4.txt").toPath();
Files.lines(pathFile).filter(l -> l.contains("last")).forEach(System.out::println);

You can see 3 steps happening here :

  • The lines method converts the file to a Stream of lines.
  • The filter method takes a Predicate that indicates which line should be filtered out.
  • Then, every filtered out line is printed with the foreach method.

So it will print :
>This is the last line.

Now we can also convert a file to a List of Strings containing the lines of the file.

Path pathFile = new File("/u02/dir2/file4.txt").toPath(); 
List list = Files.lines(pathFile).collect(Collectors.toList());;

The lines method returns every line of the file as a single element in a stream. The collect method ‘collects’ these elements and puts them in a List.Then we print them producing the following result :
>This is the first line.
>This is the second line.
>This is the third line.
>This is the last line.

With this blog I have shown you how Lambdas can help you when handling directories and files.
Hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you think!

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